Machinery for aluminium casting
Machinery for aluminium casting

Design, manufacturing, distribution and maintenance of machinery for aluminium foundries
Krown, Servicios Integrales de Fundición S.A. was born in Madrid (Spain), where currently their main offices and production are located. With a more than 15 year experience, Krown offers an integral service in design, manufacturing, distribution and maintenance of machinery to aluminium casting. Our range of products includes a broad variety of equipment to provide a solution to each customer’s specific manufacturing needs in all the processes used: die-casting, by gravity or low pressure.
At Krown, customer service is very important for us, hence, we have created a specialist department formed by a technical team offering an international after-sale service that covers: consultancy, machinery maintenance for aluminium casting, sale of spare parts and consumables, as well as reconstruction of all kind of equipment.
Now we are in a key process within our expansion and internationalisation strategy, which our broad and already consolidated portfolio of customers, demand from us.
So as to offer the best international service, we have an export chain formed by specialised distributors in every territory we operate in. Currently, we still consider external growth as very important and we are creating new business relationships that enable us to continue developing. In 2016 we set up the first factory and logistic centre in Querétaro Mexico, to strengthen our presence in this market where we are already completely settled in.
This export chain is completed with the consolidation of a highly qualified technical team in different specific areas, with them we offer an integral service in all the countries the foundries we service, are located.
At Krown we invest a large part of our resources to R+D+I, in an aim to develop new technologies that imply innovations and facilities in the machinery for aluminium casting we manufacture. In order to ensure the efficiency of the new developments we have a close relationship with the customer to get to know their manufacturing needs, so as to provide them with the best solutions to ensure the best results for their business.